Date: 21 September, 2021 JV Mantra Day
On this monthly celebration, JVWU organized a seminar on Waste Management Practices of the University to emphasize 5-R i.e. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Reshape and Rot to promote Waste Management. and students also participated in POSTER making competition showing how to save paper, food, water or energy and how to reuse an item/product with a Slogan to promote the Waste Management Practice.
All the Students actively participated in the seminar. thereafter, students displayed their POSTER showing their creativity on Waste Management Practices. JVn Rachita & JVn Darshana & JVn Zeel, students of Faculty of Homeopathic Science secured the first position, JVn Deepali MSc Zoology secured the second position and Renu Yadav B.Opt student secured third position in POSTER making competition . All the winners will be awarded with rewards.